Sunday, 7 February 2016

WISHLIST: February

January comes after December, December is the month that we receive gifts and be with our family, so in January there are no wishes.
But we are, already, in February so here goes my February Wishlist:

1- First, I may seem a little bit late on this one, but I bought the NAKED 2 palette (I'll probably make a tutorial with it), and now I really want to have them all, so let's start by the first one... The NAKED palette from URBAN DECAY and it costs $54:

2- Then there's this super cute box on wheels from MAISON DU MONDE (a little bit expensive for what is it in my opinion, 44,99€), and I was thinking it might be really cool to put my photography material in it:

3- From the same collection, there's a little wall or desk decoration also from MAISON DU MONDE that I think is really really cute and costs 6,99€, actually their whole Spring 2016 collection is beautiful:

4- Then I really need a primer even if I use the POREfessional by BENEFIT and I heard nice things about the Hydra Touch Primer from NYX which price is $14:

5- Then I saw on the website, but didn't found it on the store, this super elegant blanket from PRIMARK that costs 16€: 

6- Still from PRIMARK this scented candle that really represents the coming spring and its price is 3€:

7- A super cute little notebook from HEMA with little rabbits on it, and it only costs 1,50€:

8- And finally, the most needed one, an acrylic nail polish rack that you can find on several websites:

I hope that you liked it, if you want to read more of these articles you can subscribe my blog inserting your e-mail on the side bar, and it's very important to know that the pics on the wishlist articles are not mine, they're from the brands websites, mostly. Thank you for reading!

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